Announcing bg视讯's Year End Campaign

张贴在 bg视讯 |标记 支持, 假期, , 年终, bg视讯

近50年来, bg视讯 has been scaling individual actions to create a massive collective impact on 的 environment through our food access, 环境教育, “零浪费”, and open green space programs. Serving over 3 million New Yorkers every year, our mark on 的 city covers every borough including Governors Island, half 的 city's public schools, and into NYC's greater agricultural region.

bg视讯是 在这里 从长远来看.

And we are dreaming bigger than ever, digging our heels into 的 ground in 的 face of global climate change and determined to amplify a movement powered by people.

Help us take your investment in your community to 的 next level. 制作礼物 before January 1 to participate.

Greenmarket Holiday Gift Guide

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 greenmarket, 假期, 礼物

Holiday gift shopping for 的 Greenmarket lover is made easy with this list of popular 假期 gifts from Greenmarket producers. Please note, not all of 的se items are sold at every market location so check 的 制片人阵容 to see what products are available at your local Greenmarket.

Greenmarket营销: 大手提袋, 面包袋, 可重复使用的农产品袋, 婴儿围裙, 茶巾, 竹刮刀, 注意卡, 杯子, Recipe Cards at Union Square Greenmarket Merch Tent  
Greenmarket令牌: Wooden tokens can be purchased in $5 increments at 的 information tent at any Greenmarket using a credit or debit card. Tokens can be used like money at most vendors.
The New Greenmarket Cookbook: Available for sale at Union Square Greenmarket and various o的r markets, as well as on
Sachets, salves, lip balms, lotions, and body oils
from Catskill Merino, 3-Corner Field Farm, B&Y Farm and Rosehaven Alpaca
药草酊剂 来自紫罗兰山农场, Thy Herb Collective, Tweefontein Herb Farm 
Decorative Garlic Braids 基思农场
Poinsettias, Paper Whites, Orchids & 其他盆栽植物
多汁的 & 仙人掌的植物



Cookies, Pies and Baked Goods
Maple Syrup, Maple Cotton Candy & 枫糖
The Bronx Hot Sauce Gift Box 从bg视讯
Chicken Liver Bourbon Pâté 来自黄钟农场 
Soppresetta 飞猪农场
蛋酒 来自Ronnybrook农场
无麸巴布卡 来自Las Delicias
Spirits: Gin, Corn Whiskey, Vodka, Unaged Single Malt Whiskey from Orange County Distillery
野牛牛肉干 《bg视讯厅》
啤酒 from From 的 Ground Brewery including Pale Ale, Stout and Red Ale
苦味剂 来自紫罗兰山农场
干 & 烟熏辣椒 from Eckerton Hill and Oak Grove Plantation 


Deck 的 Halls - Christmas trees + 假期 wreaths at Greenmarkets

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 圣诞节, 假期

Get your locally grown Christmas trees, wreaths, and boughs from a local farmer. A list of markets where you can stock up on 假期 greens follows:

Caradonna农场: Trees (Union Square Wednesday, Saturday)
菲尼克斯: 花环 (Union Square, Saturday) 
Floral Beauty Greenhouse: Douglass fir trees (Columbia, Sunday)
基斯的农场: Organic trees and wreaths (Union Square Wednesday, Saturday)
Lebak农场: 花环 (Grand Army Plaza, Saturday)
Mountain Sweet Berry Farm: 花环 and princess pines (Union Square, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)
Rexcroft农场: Trees, wreaths, garlands (Dag Hammarskjold, Wednesday; Fort Greene, Saturday) 
河花园: 干 flower wreaths (Union Square, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)
斯托克斯农场: Herb wreaths (Tucker, Thursday, Saturday; Union Square, Saturday)
Trumansburg树木农场: Trees and wreaths (Union Square Wednesday (12/18), 周五(12/20), Saturday; Grand Army Plaza, 周六(12/7)
Van Houten农场: Trees and wreaths (Union Square, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)




